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2003-01-04 - 10:52 a.m.

Quick!!! I need a fix!!

Goin' to town in a few minutes, especially to stock up my new commercial steel shelf set that 3s gave me (and put together) for Christmas. There are mushroom, mandarin orange, applesauce cases, and burritos on sale. Now I am not out of any of those products as I look behind me at the shelves, but I am getting low in the case. And I love to be able to come down here and just grab cans until I can make a meal. Can you hear the swelling strains of the William Tell Overture in the distance? The Great Rationalizer rides again!!!!!

I probably should feel guilty about being a can opener, some of my friends pride themselves on using very few canned foods, unless it is home canned out of their gardens, of course. Why it should make a difference is beyond me, and I can't grow mushrooms or mandarins. If anyone sees an applesauce or burrito bush, just let me know and we'll see if Ol' Black Thumbs is fired up. After my colossal flop with Ugly Tomatoes, I am not into trying anything new for a while.

If I could grow any exotic plant I wanted, I would have a pomegranate bush or two. That has always been something to look forward to each winter. They are so pricey I have only been able to indulge myself lavishly once. When we lived on the coast 30 years ago, a little van used to come up from California once in a while, selling shelled nuts, avocados, dates and pomegranates. Once when he stopped at the parsonage, he was on his way back and had a whole crate of pomegranates left over. He sold them to me for a nickel apiece! Heaven! I even shared them with the family, although no one was very enthusiastic after the first one.

There is a trick to enjoying pomegranates. You must curb your desires until you get the whole thing seeded out into a bowl--then eat the seeds with a spoon. This one or two at a time thing is just too tantalizing and work intensive, but a little patience is well rewarded. Of course, you must go immediately and wash your hand with dish liquid before eating the seeds or you will have black fingernails for days. I bought a mini-case of 6 big p's at costco this fall, gave one apiece to the grandchildren and ate the rest myself! Heaven revisited!

I'm getting way too revved up about this whole subject. Better calm down before I go to town or I will spend all my money.


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