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2001-12-10 - 9:10 a.m.

plan of attack

Plan of attack---------------

It is 9 in the morning. I have my room semi-cleaned and the laundry done. I would like to go Christmas shopping a bit but am delaying. I have done this often in the past years and I know the outcome.

Once I am out, I feel great, have lots of fun, and come home satisfied. It is kind of like jumping in the water. 0---cold, but then it is fun. I cooked a giant pork roast but only 800, 2d and I were there. 2s and girls always have a standing invitation and I could have taken the girls shopping for their dad, but I didn't call. 1d and her kids went home after church, it was her only day off and she wanted to clean. I was sure not going to stand in the way of that! You are putting the pressure on her again, aren't You? Thank You for YOur faithfullness to her.

Things for me are calm right now. Not boring, just calm. I'm sure I could find something to get revved up about, but life has a way of bringing those things about. 2d put up the tree yesterday. It is a 'charlie brown' tree and she likes to keep the decorations pretty spare, but anything with lights is nice. She and I both commented how sad to kill a living thing. Perhaps an artificial tree is closer than I think.


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