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2001-11-15 - 10:15 a.m.


TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!!---------

That is what the ocean is today!!. Bandon jetty cam is showing waves bursting on the rocks and spraying many many feet into the air. Someone who lives over there says the water is at 22 feet. Not sure what that means but must be lots higher than usual. What a day to sit by the window with a cup of Earl Grey tea and some almond cookies and watch the rain and the waves.

Unfortunately, I had to do without the real ocean and rain, but the tea and cookies were great. Every so often this am I maximize the Bandon website and gaze at the ocean. I don't think I am going to make it over there. I feel in my bones I am probably a radish and not an acorn. But that is ok, I take what I can get.

Tomorrow is 1s's birthday. He would be 41. He was such a special guy. A solid realist and yet that last month of his life he took l all over the West to all the places he had been, so she would 'know he really was'. She told us this later. He was not given to mystical things and I don't think he had any conscious premonitions that he would not be here much longer, but how good of You to guide him and cause him to follow your guidance then.

I don't remember when his other birthday was exactly. When he was born into Your family. I think it may have been in Canada at Bible School, when he and 2s went to a Good News Club. I can remember him coming home when we lived in that 3rd story apartment, so excited about asking Jesus into his heart. He was probably about 6 or 7. That is not the time he remembers as being born again. He reckons it to be when he went back to Canada for 9th grade, and they had Fall conference. Whenever it was, You were faithful to call him to Yourself.

He had his accident only a few miles from where we might have been living and raising him had we immigrated to BC. 800 probably would not have returned to You and I wouldn't have gotten saved. What would have become of this red-headed boy raised on a ranch far back in the woods? Would he have died an unbeliever and spent eternity separated from You? You are so faithful, Father, how can I do anything else but trust You for all my chicks. Just like Job, 'though (You) slay me yet will I trust (You)'. You are the totally awesome One.


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