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2001-09-27 - 10:54 a.m.


Tonite is riding lesson, haven't been in a long time. The red rascal will probably act up. Haven't talked to 2d for a while except for hellos and goodbyes. We live in the same house and love each other, but we each have separate lives. We went shopping Saturday and had an enjoyable time, and often she comes into my bedroom and visits for a while.

Not long ago she came in and sat down and told me she loved me. She had been thinking that she didn't tell that to me enough, and she wanted me to know. She has been a blessing to me all her life. A lesson that good things can come from bad or at least from less than the best. Another lesson that we can't see what might be thrown away by an abortion. I would never have gotten an abortion. That was not even ever an option in my life. But she was definitely an inconvenience in life, after having 4 babies in 4 years and raising them all to the pre-teen years. But You knew what I would need to keep me cheerful and occupied in my 30s, 40s, 50s, and soon 60s. And not just me only.

If she'd never come, there would be an empty spot in the world.

I wish I could have had the time and wisdom to get close to the others. But they had each other, which was a good thing, too. Looking back, I can see so much of what I could have given to them if I had been more mature. But I gave them the best that I could at the time. I think it is a rare parent who doesn't do that. We would all be better if we could do it over again.

Each one of mine is dear to me in a very special way that none of the others is. My favorite one is always the one who is in trouble, the one I'm worrying about. Thank You for this very special group.


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