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2001-06-14 - 7:37 a.m.

A way of escape

Wow!! Poured my heart out about s and the blb, then accidently erased it! Thank you, Lord!! Love forbears all things according to I Corinthians 13 and someone once said that can be translated to mean 'buries in silence' Some things can be buried because of love for k and s. 2s is a big fella and the Lord can take care of him as I've always trusted.

Still haven't mowed the lawn - almost 3 weeks now. It has rained and blown since Saturday when I planned to do it. I didn't work last nite.It was a prep nite. So I may do it today. k and s will both be here but not d. e is ill and may be taken to the doctor. Must go and by Father's Day gifts with k and s.

2d and 800 are leaving in the am to get 2d a pickup. Lots of answers to prayer. May the way be smooth before. Have a new serenity prayer!!Can I remember it. "God, give me the senility to forget the people I've disliked, the ability to remember those I've liked, and the eyesight to tell the difference." The middle request may not be just exactly correct but that's the general idea. I think Bonnie had it on Chattering. Will have to look it up.


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